Carson Koepke
Carson Koepke received his B.A. from St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN) and an M.A. in Medieval Studies from the University of York (UK). His Master’s thesis examined the topics of gender and morality in the Waltharius, a Latin epic poem of the early medieval period. His research interests broadly include medieval narrative poetry, hagiography, literary exchanges between the Byzantine Empire, Italy, the Carolingian Empire, and Early England, as well as codicology and paleography. He also applies digital methodologies, including GIS mapping and network analysis, to his research on the circulation of saints’ lives. In his dissertation, he uses the popular and widespread legend of St. Eustace Placidas to study the myriad ways that Christian saints’ lives interacted with and contributed to early medieval literary and intellectual culture in the wider Mediterranean region and Europe.