Yale Lectures in Medieval Studies

Yale Lectures in Medieval Studies logoThe Medieval Studies Program organizes Yale Lectures in Medieval Studies, an interdisciplinary lecture series. We aim to bring to Yale the most creative scholars of the Middle Ages worldwide, to present innovative and exciting work in fields such as paleography, codicology, liturgical studies, music, history of art, archaeology, history, literature, and philosophy. The series, which is run by students in medieval disciplines, emphasizes intellectual diversity and rigorous scholarship and is a vital part of Yale’s interdisciplinary approach to the medieval period.
This enterprise is generously supported by the Medieval Studies Program, Yale Law School, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Archaia Program,  the Council on East Asian Studies, and the Institute of Sacred Music.
A selection of past YLMS lectures can be seen here. You can also find YLMS on Facebook.
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Fall 2024 events

Thursday, September 19th, HQ 136, 5:30 (EST): Scott Bruce, Professor of History, Fordham University.

Thursday, October 10th, HQ 276, 5:30 (EST): Abigail Agresta, Assistant Professor of History, George Washington University.

Thursday, November 7th, HQ 276, 5:30 (EST): Mercedes Pérez Vidal, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Spring 2025 events

Thursday, February 6th, HQ 276, 5:30 (EST): Julie Orlemanski, Associate Professor of English, University of Chicago.

Friday, February 28th, HQ 136, 9am-5pm (EST): Anniversary Symposium Looking Back to Look Forward. Twenty Years of YLMS”

Thursday, March 28th, HQ 276, 12:00 (EST):  Jaś Elsner, University of Oxford.