Applying for the Certificate

If you are interested in pursuing the Certificate in Medieval Studies, then please fill out this form–it will help us get in touch with you to discuss your particular program and how to plan your application.

The formal application for the Certificate in Medieval Studies must be completed by the week before final schedules are due in their final semester of study. To file your application, you will need to declare your candidacy through the Registrar’s form. When you have completed all requirements, complete this form, collect the relevant signatures, and submit it to the Certificate Director and Program Registrar via email.

This process will be much easier if you begin planning your path to completion well before your final semester, though! Here are some tips on how to build the Medieval Studies Certificate into your plan for study.

  • Evaluate what you’ve already done. This is particularly important if you’ve decided to pursue the Certificate in your final year! If you have an interest in the medieval world, you likely have already taken some Certificate-eligible classes. If you have questions about the eligibility of courses you’ve already taken, or about how they might qualify for the Zone requirement, a Certificate adviser will be able to work this out with you.
  • Pick a goal. By the time you’ve graduated, what do you want to have learned about the Middle Ages worldwide? There are an infinite number of possible answers to this question–and once again, a Certificate adviser can help you distill your interests into a focused plan of study. But it might help to ask first whether your goal for the Certificate is breadth–some knowledge on a wide range of topics–or expertise– a lot of knowledge about a particular topic. Either is a worthy goal, and knowing which kind of knowledge you most want to gain, can help you decide how to choose among various options.
  • Check conflicts, and make a timeline. Bearing in mind that only two courses can be double-counted for your major and the Certificate, work out when and how you’ll have time to take the three additional courses on medieval topics. This is especially important if you’re interested in taking courses that tend to be offered on a fixed schedule (for example, an advanced language course that is usually only offered in Spring).
  • Enjoy the process, and keep track of your progress! Especially, remember that you don’t have to wait to attend the three required medieval lectures (or other events) in your final year. We encourage you to sign up for the Medieval Studies email list, and attend whatever appeals to you, at any point in your studies. This means that you can submit a report on an event, to be credited toward your Certificate requirements, whenever you attend– not just right before you apply for the Certificate! Also, remember you’re not limited to only three events: we encourage you to consider yourself part of Yale’s Medieval Studies community.