Spring 2023 UC courses


ANTH 264 Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory
ANTH 326 - Ancient Civilizations of the Eurasian Steppes (Zone 2 or 4)


ENGL 205 - Medieval Songlines (Zone 4)

FREN 388 - Feminine Voices in French Literature (Zone 4)


HIST 211 – The Birth of Europe, 1000–1500 (Zone 4)
HIST 226J – Jews and Christians in the Formation of Europe, 500–1500 (Zone 4)
HIST 281 – Christian Mysticism, 1200–1700 (Zone 4)
HIST 290 –Russia from the Ninth Century to 1801 (Zone 4)
HIST 345 – Jews in Muslim Lands from the Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries (Zone 3)
HIST 418J –Gender Expression before Modernity

Italian Studies
ITAL 317 -  Women in the Middle Ages (Zone 4)
LITR 331 - Medieval World Literature, Genres and Geographies
MUSI 240 Performance of Early Music (Zone 4)
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
NELC 323 - Hebrew Poetry in Muslim Spain (Zone 4)
PHIL 436 - Medieval Metaphysics (Zone 4)
Religious Studies
RLST 295 - Al-Ghazali and Maimonides (Zone 3)
Judaic Studies
JDST 312 Hebrew Poetry in Muslim Spain (Zone 4)
Divinity School
REL 3610 - Medieval Latin: The Calamitous Life of Peter Abelard (Zone 4)