The Annual Dante Lecture: Heather Webb, “The Botanical Affects of Dante’s Comedy”

Event time: 
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - 5:30pm
Room 208 See map
53 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Department of Italian Studies presents

The Annual Dante Lecture

Heather Webb (Italian Studies, Yale)

“The Botanical Affects of Dante’s Comedy”

Dante’s poetry creates a series of atmspheres and environments that foster and resonate with affective communities. Nonhuman, particularly botanical, bodies delineate and give shape, color and form to these environments in which human forms are visibly subject to the flow sof affect that they encounter and in which they are immersed. The overeager free and the humble reeds on the shore, amongst so many other examples, generate and shape affective atmospheres in Dante’s poem. This lecture sugests some ways that our engagement as readers with the confluence depicted between human and non-human botanical bodies in the commedia is itself potentially generative.