ANTH 232: Ancient Civilizations of the Andes
ANTH 264: Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory
ARBC 136: Beginning Classical Arabic I (Zone 3 - Near East)
ARBC 156: Intermediate Classical Arabic I (Zone 3 - Near East)
East Asian Languages and Literatures
EALL 221: Introduction to Chinese Buddhist Literature (Zone 1 – E Asia)
ENGL 150: Old English (Zone 4 – Europe)
ENGL 317: The Gawain Poet (Zone 4 – Europe)
HIST 219: Jews and the World: From the Bible through Early Modern Times (Zone 3 or 4)
HIST 232J: Medieval Jews, Christians and Muslims in Conversation (Zone 3 or 4)
HIST 280: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition (Zone 4 – Europe)
HIST 321: China from Present to Past (Zone 1 – E Asia)
History of Art
HSAR 150: Introduction to the History of Art: Art and Architecture of the Sacred
HSAR 210: Asian Art and Culture (Zone 1 – E Asia)
HSAR 252: The Mexican Codices: Art and Knowledge
HSAR 348: Arts of Japan I (Zone 1 – E Asia)
HSAR 457: Japanese Gardens (Zone 1 – E Asia)
Italian Studies
ITAL 162: Introduction to Italian Literature: From the Duecento to the Renaissance (Zone 4 – Europe)
ITAL 310: Dante in Translation (Zone 4 – Europe)
MUSI 240: The Performance of Early Music (Zone 4 – Europe)
MUSI 350: History of Western Music: Middle Ages and Renaissance (Zone 4 – Europe)
MUSI 412: Theorizing Musical Time in the Medieval Islamicate World (Zone 3 – Near East)
Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
NELC 128: From Gilgamesh to Persepolis: Introduction to Near Eastern Literatures (Zone 3 – Near East)
NELC 132: The Islamic Near East from Muhammad to the Mongol Invasion (Zone 3 – Near East)
NELC 135: Masterpieces of Arabic Literature (Zone 3 – Near East)
NELC 444: Classical Persian Lyric
PHIL 205: Philosophy, Religion, and Literature in Medieval China (Zone 1 - E Asia)
Religious Studies
RLST 108: Introduction to the Occult Sciences (Zone 3 or 4)
Spanish and Portuguese
SPAN 261: Critical Contexts in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Zone 4 – Europe)