This week we will be joined by visiting scholar Arkady Martine, an award-winning writer of science fiction, who holds a PhD in Byzantine History from Rutgers. She has kindly agreed to participate in an informal Q&A session, in which we invite you to air all your burning questions about writing – especially writing other than traditionally scholastic articles and monographs – in and out of the academy. How can we use different genres to open up our disciplines to our students for exploration, while encouraging them to adopt a creative writing practice of their own? How can we broaden our definition of academic writing, as well as our conception of how and what academics write? What does it look like to teach good writing, and to teach writing skillfully?
As always, Medieval Lunch is open to all participants, in all disciplines; we are, however, especially keen this week to involve members of faculty and teaching fellows who are interested in incorporating creative writing practices into their syllabi.
This session will be held on Tuesday, 19 September, 12:00-1:00, in HQ 276. Lunch from Pitaziki will be provided. To register your attendance, please complete this brief form no later than Sunday, 17 September at 5:00. Be sure to include a discussion question in your responses: the conveners will assemble these before the session in order to prepare a coherent program for the discussion. Space is limited, and in the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to registrants who have provided a question.