The Dawn of the Hispanic Legal Tradition: A Conference on the Liber Iudiciorum (November 12-14, 2021) will explore the foundational document for Hispanic law, the Book of Judgments (Liber Iudiciorum), a seventh-century text that provided the basis of the law of Iberia throughout the Middle Ages and of the New World Hispanic tradition that grew out of it.
Using the organizers’ recently completed English translation of the document, speakers will explore how this law code helped shape the Luso-Hispanic tradition on the law of crime, tort, sale, contract, trade, labor, and religion. A team of international presenters will speak on the pre-history of the code, its development in the sixth and seventh centuries, and its long afterlife while engaging a host of intersectional concerns including women, gender, enslavement, anti-Judaism, and the modern appropriations of the Visigothic memoryscape.
Papers, in either Spanish or English, will be circulated in advance for pre-reading. To learn more visit: https://law.yale.edu/dawn-hispanic-legal-tradition