April 4, 2023 |
12:00am |
[POSTPONED] Modern Writers/Premodern Worlds: A Conversation with Arkady Martine |
Please note that unfortunately, due to unexpected circumstances, this event with Arkady Martine orginally scheduled for April 4 has been cancelled and postponed until next term.
Happy Hour will still take place at 5:30 in L90!
5:30pm |
Early Modern and Medieval Studies Happy Hour! |
Early Modern and Medieval Studies Happy Hour!
In HQ L90 at 5:30pm. See you there for small bites and beverages!
April 6, 2023 |
5:30pm |
YLMS - Romedio Schmitz-Esser, 4/6 |
Romedio Schmitz-Esser, Professor of Medieval History (Later Middle Ages) at Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
Full YLMS 2022-23 Schedule
April 11, 2023 |
12:00pm |
Medieval Lunch: Kevin Kiernan, "A Preview of the Fifth Edition of Electronic Beowulf" |
On April 11, Medieval Lunch will be joined by Kevin Kiernan (Emeritus Professor of English, T Marshall Hahn Sr Professor of Arts & Sciences University of Kentucky) for a talk, “A Preview of the Fifth Edition of Electronic Beowulf”. |
1:00pm |
Out of Practice: Early Modern Iberia's Unprinted Cultures with Heather Bamford |
Please join us on Tuesday, April 11 for “Out of Practice: Early Modern Iberia’s Unprinted Cultures” with Professor Heather Bamford (George Washington University)!
Talk begins at 1:00pm with lunch provided at 12:30 in HQ 134. .
Reception to follow.
Sponsored by Early Modern Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, Medieval Studies, the Creative Forum, and Iberian Connections.

April 14, 2023 |
10:15am |
Dante in the age of DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion): A Pedagogical Approach |
A Department of Italian Studies Event:
An investigation of Dante’s work from the perspective of teaching - and from a new generation of faculty and advanced graduate students. How best can we introduce a canonical author to our students in an age of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? Dante speaks to all backgrounds, ethnic groups, cultures, and social classes, but how can and do we make his work appealing to our changing student populations? |
2:30pm |
Medieval Latin Proficiency Exam |
For graduate students who must fulfill their department’s language proficiency requirements.
Email julia.divincenzo@yale.edu by 4pm on April 13 to register. |
April 20, 2023 |
5:30pm |
YLMS - Elina Gertsman, 4/20 (in LC 102) |
Elina Gertsman, Professor of Medieval Art and Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Professor in Catholic Studies at Case Western Reserve University
Please note: this YLMS event is in LC 102
Full YLMS 2022-23 Schedule
April 24, 2023 |
12:00pm |
Medieval Lunch: Megan Perry |
Apr 25 Megan Perry – Tangles with Gnomes in the OE Pastoral Care | HQ 276
April 28, 2023 |
1:30pm |
The Visigothic Code and the Fuero Juzgo with Mónica Castillo Lluch (University of Lausanne) |
The Visigothic Code and the Fuero Juzgo: The Transmission and Translation of Law from Latin to Romance
A workshop with Professor Mónica Castillo Lluch (Professure ordinaire, University of Lausanne)
Friday, April 28
HQ 107, 1:30pm
